Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Real Food Challenge

I've briefly mentioned this is previous blog posts but I wanted to write further since I was inspired by a facebook thread started by my cousin (or quasi cousin...does my cousin's wife automatically become my cuz? what are the rules on this one?) Little back cuz is a big supporter of President Obama and especially of healthcare reform. As I was reading the ensuing thread my thoughts went to how dependent we really are on medicine to cure all that makes us sick. We don't need to be dependent on medicine and big pharma to keep us well. We can take control of our own health. And it's easy! We simply need to eat real food. Real food contains one ingredient on the label (two if the other is water.) Real food (for the most part) does not come in a box or a plastic bag. You might think that takes nearly the entire grocery store out of play and, well, I guess it does. But there is TONS left! Reintroduce yourself to the produce section. Eat meat (eggs, grass fed beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, and anything else that was once running around.) Here's the challenge, try to go a full week only eating real food. That means as much fruit, veggies, meat, and nuts that you can eat. Seriously, please don't measure a damn thing. When you eat real food you don't need to be concerned with calories. If you want to prove it to yourself try eating 1,200 calories of fruits and veggies in one day. Good luck. Yogurt is great so long as it contains Real and Active Cultures. Use plain yogurt and mix in your own fruit for the best option. Quinoa is a great replacement for rice. Sis concocted a very nifty quinoa salad that perhaps she'll post below. Steel cut oats are also great and something I just added to my diet. Have some fun with it and do some experimenting.

Let's see how everyone does. Pass this along to anyone you know who might be interested or just needs a little help with their health. Use the comments section to post your progress and ensuing health results. Post any nifty recipes or concoctions you come up with. And after you go one full week with real food then let's shoot for two! Good luck to all!



  1. Nice idea!! I agree 110%. Do you read Michael Pollan's stuff? It's kinda like preaching to the choir, recommending him to you, but he says a lot of great things in his books. (And there's this one chapter when he's in the woods hunting a wild boar that is kind of incredible.)

  2. Yes! I believe that's from The Omnivore's Dilemma. Great book. The Paleo Diet (link below) is also a great book. He really gets into the history of human diet and how that doesn't quite match up with our genetics.

